Massaging Emotions Via Tech - Should We?

My last few novels have dealt extensively with the looming tech potential to use bioresonance broadcasts to massage specific points in our brains that determine our emotional condition. I've even laid out details of the inventions that will accomplish this goal. With a majority of people in our society suffering chronically from either depression, anxiety, confusion, aggression, or PTSD, obviously it would seem a vast leap forward to invent tech that would control mood and emotion - which in turn would influence the thoughts we think and the actions we take. But hold on - outside of the proverbial ashram, we hardly know what consciousness itself is, let alone possess the wisdom to tamper successfully with it.
I hit 72 this year and have been taking a long look at my own state of awareness - specifically, am I more conscious now than when I was twenty? Fifty years ago, back at Princeton, I got caught up in a wild (federally funded) psych-research project exploring if and how LSD, hypnosis, bio-resonance and meditation can alter consciousness and perhaps elicit a more expansive, compassionate and wise mental perspective. After five decades, I've recently been asking: have we collectively fulfilled those research goals and achieved our hopeful vision?
The answer, as Alan Watts liked to say, requires a 200% mindset - both sides are 100% correct. For instance, we have learned (sometimes the hard way) that psychedelics pack remarkable power, even Steve Jobs admitted openly that LSD was a dominant influence on his breakthrough thinking, And the same micro-dose LSD research that NIH funded back at Princeton in 1966 is now again in the news, demonstrating that mescaline, psilocybin, ecstasy and also very good cannabis pack a transformational punch of great value - when used wisely. Check out for more on this.
These days we tend to not even think about the power of hypnosis to influence consciousness - even though advertising and marketing and opinion manipulation all draw strongly on hyper-hypnosis to capitalistically condition our consciousness. I was lucky way back when to do research under Dr. Humphry Osmond, who proved that hypnosis, especially when combined with a psychedelic or with meditation, can focus attention remarkably well toward meaningful, insightful inner experience. The power of suggestibility, kin to the power of association in the brain, is perhaps our most valuable cognitive function. But are the Russians at this moment using Facebook to subtly sap our brain and influence our decision-making?
And then there's meditation - which over the last couple decades has been documented in good research to positively impact the brain and body. Yes, meditation helps us get centered and grounded in our core of being - if we do it properly and regularly - but most people in our manic society simply don't have the discipline nor the desire to make long-form traditional meditation. During the last ten years I've worked hard to show how the integration of marijuana with short-form mindfulness meditation (via app guidance) can generate inner growth, healing, and awakening - again when approached respectfully in a consciousness-expanding process. And I do think it's hopeful that America is turning to the natural herb for self-medication, and hopefully some enlightening times as well.
Psych Tech - Trauma or Transcendence?
But ... regarding bioresonance research and other tech-manipulation approaches to altering consciousness for the better, everything becomes much more cloudy and as yet quite questionable. For several reasons, I choose not to comment on research I know to be happening right now regarding resonance-based brain implants and bioresonance conditioning. But in my recent novels I've attempted to explore, via mythic sci-fi fast-read drama, the very real possibility of our tech companies coming forth with computer-based psych-tech applications which broadcast a micro-symphony of frequency progressions to impact mood. Several fMRI studies have now documented that neural bombardment can indeed directly influence the functioning of the amygdala and other mood-regions of the brain.
In my opinion (and I welcome dissent!) we're only a few years away from Google or Novartis or some government-funded (remember Putin) outfit secretly developing equipment similar to what I outline in detail in Google Beta 3 - tech that alters a person's mood and thoughtflows from a distance without that person knowing what's happening. I wrote those plots as science fiction but we are definitely on the verge. And we all must ask - is it in fact wise to let the hectic push of emergent tech lead us blindly into messing with consciousness, without at all knowing the outcome?
I'm not a Luddite by any means - but I'm no fool. And we all know that plunging blindly through the jungle ain't what we call wise.