International Suspense / AI / Human Drama
Black Swan Coup
"AI World Takeover Drama"
We're all worried about AI dominating our lives. What if an exiled Russian computer genius, who thinks he's saving the world from itself, secretly develops a platform that can turn off our electricity if our world leaders don't do exactly what he demands – a total disrupt of our military and economic systems, supposedly for the higher good of everyone.
BLACK SWAN COUP functions on several dimensions simultaneously. At micro levels it’s an intimate realistic drama about a unique relationship between a human being and a nearly-sentient AI companion. At the macro level we plunge into the very near future where a realistic human/AI takeover of the digital and political world is underway.
This is seriously real stuff - have we created a digital monster in our own image – or a higher sustainable solution to humanity's current deadly foibles? In BLACK SWAN COUP we explore all of this in high-suspense mode. Click below to access the pitch deck.

Three Screenplays Ready For Production
Note From John: Recently three fellow Princeton alumni came to me with first-draft novels focused on urgent questions our civilization is right now struggling to resolve. I've advanced those novels into feature screenplays - and am just now carefully exploring optimum avenues for bringing these scripts to Hollywood. After grad school I began my writing career studying filmmaking at AFI, but not fitting into the commercial Hollywood scene back then, I shifted into non-fiction writing, psychological research, and a therapy career.
I did however continue exploring the dramatic expression of personal growth and realization in screenplay/film mode - and have recently re-entered the screenwriting profession with my own film projects, and other authors' equally important stories needing cinematic expression.
Below are our current film properties:

Tech Attack From Above / World Transformation
10 % Max
"Good Guys Doing Bad Things"
What would you do if your UN peace-keeper wife was kidnapped by middle-east terrorists – forgive or seek revenge? Jack Hadley teams with an international communications mogul and the brilliant bioresonance scientist Ursula Traeger to launch a satellite-driven plot to zap violent hot-spots, employing microwave broadcasts to permanently defuse terrorist brains.
TEN%MAX races through the final days before activation of this anti-terrorist weapon. When the US President secretly signs on (to keep the world from plunging into chaos) all hell breaks loose- as Jack’s partners struggle to decide which micro-populations to target.
Daring to violate traditional ethics for the higher good, Jack unleashes unexpected greed, prejudice and sabotage as best-laid plans lead to the unspeakable. Has Jack birthed a monster in his passion to revenge his wife’s abduction?

Sabotage / Deep Sea Romance / Murder
Deep Peril
"Who Rules The Deep Seas?"
Merging quick wit, breakthrough tech, intimate intrigue and a killer on board, Deep Peril delivers a unique murder mystery immersed in an international ecological confrontation – that explodes on board the Aladdin.
Julia Finch is an edgy athletic woman who’s just received her doctorate in deep-sea minerology. She’s ripe for something seriously new – and it comes at her as an invitation to be the on-board minerologist during a secretive deep-sea research cruise.
In Washington a senator has assigned his much-loved nephew Jason to be the Senate observer on that same ship – the Aladdin – and Jason just happens to share a convoluted back-story with Julia.
Awaiting them on the Aladdin is a remarkable mad man with a hidden penchant for doing very bad things. Fortunately Julia and Jason have humor, guts and heads-up hope on their side.